Balance the Hidden Energy “Chi” Affecting You
Dating over 3,000 years old, Feng Shui is an ancient study and practice of the natural energy in the environment, known as “Chi,” and its effects on people and places. This energy has a set of universal natural laws that affect everything.
The key to harmonious energy is balance. ProperChi® is a state of balance that our clients desire to achieve and keep. Energy occurs naturally in the environment and continuously has an impact on people and places. Since this hidden energy is always in flux though, and influenced by several variables, maintaining balance is an ongoing effort. Since our clients desire the positive payoff of balanced energy they look to us for help in their pursuit of ProperChi®.
In Feng Shui there are nine areas of focus to “fix” and maintain. They mostly occur in your physical surroundings. So, we begin with this space and work on it from there. The areas are Wealth and Prosperity, Fame and Reputation, Love and Marriage, Family and Ancestors, Health, Children and Creativity, Knowledge and Wisdom, Career and Life Journey, and Helpful People and Travel. A Feng Shui map called a Bagua is overlayed in your surroundings to identify the sections.
Each section is then investigated addressing FIVE main natural elements that formulate an influential cycle in Feng Shui that occurs in a specific natural order of cause and effect: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal.
Want to find out more? Contact Us Now
No doubt this is all very fascinating. To find out more about Feng Shui and its impact on your life. Schedule a free initial phone conversation to explore the possibilities.
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A NEW TV Show that Investigates the Hidden Energy (“CHI”) of Properties!
The ProperChi® TV Show explores the hidden energy (“Chi”) of properties and how it influences the owner’s life. Host and Real Estate Professional Michael, along with an expert in Feng Shui, investigate the balance of Chi in homes, commercial properties, land, and environments in order to fix any problems to restore harmony…ProperChi®.
In the first episode, Host Michael and expert Renae Jensen head into uncharted territory as they investigate an imbalance of energy in an old farm home causing problems for its new owners – a single mom and her daughters. As they walk through the house, they not only discover blocked energy between the old house and the newer addition, but they also encounter strange paranormal energy. Host Michael and Renae must find Feng Shui cures in order to resolve the imbalance and bring harmony to the family, so that they can continue living there.
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If your home, office, or life feels imbalanced, then you’ve come to the right place. For starters, you can watch the ProperChi® TV Show here, as well as begin an exploration of all things related to the flow of life’s hidden energy – Chi. And, most importantly the effects it may be having on your life.
“I love this show. Totally made me think about my house and my life...I had no idea about the impact of hidden Chi.”

Business Woman